
Flighted Freedom Poetic Lyrics

seagulls flying above water

Flighted Freedom Poetic Lyrics by Dylanna Fisher. These are merely lyrics to a poem by our very own writer, Dylanna Fisher. What music would you put to these words?

brown hummingbird selective focus photography
Photo by Philippe Donn on Pexels.com

Flighted Freedom Lyrics

I want to become a bird

If I could

Flying would be my superpower

If I were super

If I had power

A majestic creature so small

But size doesn’t matter

When you’re on top of the world

I want to be beautiful

With shimmering feathers

With shining eyes

That can see what I can’t

I want to away fly 

To cover vast time, space

Until they blur as one

I want to escape 

To something more

I want to go so badly

So far away from here

I want to go

Liberation freedom something more

Something that’s not here 

I want to see something more than the sidewalk

To regain my vision 

I want saving from concrete

It will be for me, myself, mine

I want anything 

Anything, anything, anything

I want to be a bird

To fly away from you

But I can’t leave

I can’t fly

I only have feet and these stairs

Final Thoughts

brown and grey hummingbird hovering over orange fruit
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What music would you put behind this poem? Do you think one genre over another would be best? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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