
Artistic Gender Bending in Music

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Gender-bending is switching the original gender of something to a different gender. This style is used quite a lot within fandoms, artistry, music, and nearly every form of creativity can use gender-bending in some way or form.

Gender Bending Fanfiction Art

Fanfiction artists take this concept and apply it to their artworks. These artists take characters and use them as a different gender. Dorkly provides fantastic artwork of different gender-bent characters from DC to Zelda. Here are more examples to show, if only for the artwork itself. Artists such as Mabymim and Sakimi Chan provide a fantastic example of gender-bent artwork.

In an article by Erin Marie Winans, she discusses cosplay in general and focuses on the art of gender-bending in cosplay.

“Originally, people felt confined to recreate people of the same gender, but once the gender-bending trend blew up, people could take on the challenge of accommodating fictional characters to their gender. And suppose someone has a vision for their character. In that case, almost anything can be altered to make the costume work,” Winans explains, “Gender-bending character is a level up from simply cosplaying because there is more creativity that goes into the construction of the costume.”

Gender Bent Cosplay

The examples below include a female Gaston from Belle by Feariel, a male raven from Teen Titans by NatchCosplay, a male Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty by Hakucosplay, a female Ryuuk from Death Note by KawaiiHero91. Here are some visual examples of gender-bent cosplay, which are very well done, if I may add.

People explore gender-bending for various reasons. Others use it as a way to view things from a different perspective. For instance, imagining what Disney’s Gaston would look like as a woman or reversing traditional gender roles. Gender-bending offers a unique way to explore and challenge societal norms.

Making a Statement while Gender Bending

Gender-bending is an art form that creates a political or social statement. Currently, people are discussing gender as a topic and can comment on the fluidity of gender or the stereotypes between genders. Furthermore, it can highlight the differences and similarities between various genders. Eli Rezkallah’s vintage advertisement project is a good example within a political and social context. He switches the genders of the subjects in vintage advertisements. The artist showcases how gender is portrayed in them and how society views gender.

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People can still enjoy something regardless of the reasons behind its creation. The purpose of creation can be anything, whether to express beauty, uniqueness, or power. The enjoyment of the creation is not limited to the same way it was created. This theme also applies to music, where gender-bent covers are songs in which the lead has a different gender than the original version. The reasons for creating gender-bent covers vary from social commentary to entertainment. However, the audience has the power to decide how they prefer to enjoy them.

Gender Bending Covers

It’s time for some music. I have gathered a list of several gender-bent songs for you to enjoy. This is just a sample of what you can find online, as numerous other gender-bending covers exist. Once you finish reading the article, share your favourite covers in the comments section below.

“It Wasn’t Me,” a rewritten cover by Georgia Box.

“Whip My Hair” by James Vincent Mcmorrow

“Stronger” by Sam Tsui

“Attention” by Andie Case

“Problem” by Matt Bates

“Hellfire” by Annapantsu

“Friends on the Other Side” by Chalk Salt

“My Heart Will Go On” by Nick Pitera

“Pretty Hurts” by Sam Tsui and Jason Pitts


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